The conflict resolution impact of women, proven many times over, makes women necessary leaders for peace. As community-builders—and often the primary or sole-caretakers of children and other family members—women perform a unique role in peaceful societies. Global Survivors for Peace is committed to investing in women—to prepare them to engage in leadership, economic opportunities, education, and business.

Risks for Women

Women suffer in ways specific to being women during times of violence. Perpetrators of genocide rape women, a crime which was recognized in international law as a weapon of genocide at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The widespread damage rape leaves behind includes high rates of HIV and personal trauma that women have little support to manage. Often in lower economic positions than the men in their lives, women who survive genocide encounter challenges providing for themselves and their dependents. Being a caretaker and provider forces women raising children alone into positions that may put their family at risk, such as not having anywhere for their children to go while they work or not being able to pay for children’s education.

What Women Can Do

Global Survivors of Peace was founded and is run by survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi who know first-hand the difficulties widowed women, single mothers, and children face in dealing with the impact of unimaginable violence. We also know the strengths women have which can be implemented for building peace. Often in the role of caretaker, women are a link from the safety and comfort of home to the world. As centers of community efforts, women have proved their ability to resolve conflict and foster peace, all while raising the next generations. With targeted supports, women who survived genocide and other atrocities will be change-makers for peace.

Supporting Women for A Better Future

Our mission to care for the women who survived is central to who we are. By providing important educational resources for children, Global Survivors for Peace hopes to relieve some of the burden on widows and single mothers. We also use micro-finance to help women affected by tragedy empower their families. By lifting up a woman, we lift the entire family toward their goals for a peaceful future. To join Global Survivors for Peace in supporting women, please click here to Get Involved.