It is unbelievable to hear that some people try to deny the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. Mass graves, journalists’ accounts, and testimonies of survivors are clear evidence that genocide occurred in Rwanda in 1994 and took more than one million of innocent people. Up to today—2020—survivors are still finding the bodies of their beloved.

    We Must be Witnesses of History

    Some say the genocide was a war, that the death counts were inflated, or that Tutsis were not targeted. These are ways of minimizing the magnitude of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, and denying it maybe because they are not educated on the Genocide; they have other agendas; they want to protect perpetrators from facing justice, or deny history.

    Because denials of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and other genocides reject the overwhelming historical evidence of these atrocities, it is important for those who are determined to fight for lasting peace on our planet to travel to Rwanda to witness the truth for themselves. Visiting memorial sites will illustrate to you the scale of killing during the genocide, as well as the brutality and hatred that victims faced.

    All people who value the preciousness of life, especially students, have a duty to see with their own eyes what happened in Rwanda. Your life will change forever and for a greater good, if you take a stand for humanity and support survivors of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and other genocides. It is tempting for people to think that what happens across the world does not affect them. However, what hurts other human beings should concern all of us. We can be either bystanders, who watch what happens to others without acting, or upstanders, who act when something is not right. Be upstanders and ensure justice for the victims of genocides so that it never happens again.

    To support the program on visiting memorial sites in Rwanda with Global Survivors for Peace, please visit the Get Involved page. Please click here to register if you would like GS4P, Inc. to be your guide on a trip to Rwanda to learn from history.

    Visit Memorial Sites