Our Motto: Learning from Past: Our Obligation to Prevent Genocide

Stories Of Survival

Stories of Survival

    Global Survivors believes that Genocide is preventable by educating the public on the danger of indifference, hate speech, and ignorance on the roots and stages of genocide. Our organization have survivors and witnesses of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi (Genocide) who are more than willing to travel to schools, colleges, institutions, and churches to speak about the Genocide which has similarities with other genocides. We also have friends who traveled to Rwanda to witness by themselves how Rwanda was left in darkness by its own people, to share their knowledge on topics of your selection or on how the Genocide was planned and executed.

    1. Genocide awareness and prevention

    2. The 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi

    3. Genocide Ideology and Denial

    4. Rape as a tool of Genocide

    5. Survivors’ Stories

    6. Life and Hope in the aftermath

    7. Forgiveness, reconciliation, and unity

    Survivors on the board of Global Survivors of Peace organization were greatly affected by the Genocide. They know the consequences of it and are committed to never again genocide – the purpose of our program on education on Genocide. We greatly value the preciousness of life and are dedicated to find strength and resilience in challenges rather than hate and divisions. Night is told by those who lived it and so, give us the opportunity to tell our stories and transform hearts for empathy and love instead of bitterness and revenge. Life is beautiful and priceless no matter the circumstances and it belongs to us to live for purpose instead of bullying, impacting negatively others, or destroying what God created. Please invite us so we can share our journey to surviving, to resiliency, to unity and reconciliation; the journey from darkness into light. We realized it is critical to learn about the story of Rwanda and other genocides, during and after those genocides so that we may commit to peace which must prevail on our planet.

    Global Survivors for Peace will also travel with groups to Rwanda to educate groups on Genocide on the ground. We will visit memorial sites so you can see by yourself what happened in Rwanda during 1994. You will talk to an expert at each memorial site. It is also a great opportunity to see how Rwanda transformed from chaos to a beautiful and united country. The 2nd easiest place to do business in Africa; a country now known to be the cleanest of Africa; a country were women climb to leadership and have a voice. Rwanda is now the safest country of Africa, but also the 9th global safest country. Please visit the Rwanda of a million lost lives, the country of million victim stories and of thousand hills. Friends, it is worth to travel to Rwanda for a history lesson, for a church teaching forgiveness, a company striving for togetherness. You will learn million stories but also learn million lessons. You will witness how Rwanda is hospitable and did not lost hope after the Genocide. We often get mad at a neighbor, at our classmate, or a friend for little things. Let’s learn live with compassion and restore the dignity of other people. Today, Rwanda is recognized as unifying and calls for forgiveness,; something meaningful to learn about and Global survivors for Peace, Inc. is excited to travel with you for this significant and learning opportunity.