When Ellen DeGeneres, the Host of Ellen DeGeneres Talk Show, visited Rwanda, the land of Thousand Hills, in May 2018, the TV Talk Show Host was very thankful of the people of Rwanda for making her trip very special. “Thank you to all the amazing people I met on my trip, who helped make it so special.” She also said: “I’ve waited my whole life to make this trip.” Rwanda is a beautiful country located in the heart of Africa and is known for its unique culture and exceptional history. From the chaos to growing economy, from divisive and extremist governments to unifying leadership, a model of reconciliation, and an example of hope and forgiveness inviting people around the globe to travel to Rwanda and learn its unexpected accomplishments. We are calling people around the globe to travel and make a priority to visit Rwanda; the most peaceful and one of the cleanest countries of Africa. It is so attractive and remarkable so when one gets there feels like home and at peace. We recommend you to see reviews from our friends, Pamela Cronkright, Carleigh Cronkright, and Megan McNamara who also visited Rwanda in June of 2013 and were very impressed by its hospitality and beauty. Rwanda is a lesson for the world which implies that students from high schools, colleges, and leaders all around the globe must travel and learn from our history and how good leadership and unity can transform a nation. If you are dreaming for an adventurous, safe, honey moon, exciting and educational vacation, Rwanda is the right place to go.

Some people may think there was genocide in Rwanda and we don’t want to go there; some will say, what is so special to spend on that trip or what is it to visit in an under-developed country? Hellas, you could be wrong. Rwanda is known for its fascinating savannah, undulating hills and deep valleys. It is beautify is immeasurable. When you get to the airport, you are welcomed by smiling and courteous professionals. They will grant you your visa at the airport so you don’t have to travel to embassies or fill up that extensive paperwork to get a visa to visit many countries. The gorgeous National Park, the uniqueness of the Nyungwe Park, the delicious food, the hospitality from citizens of Rwanda, the lakes, the mountains, the beaches with beautiful resorts are all fascinating and worth your vacation time.

When you decide to go in the Northern Province and visit the Virunga volcanic mountains, you feel like released from all the burdens of life. This is like a retreat from our daily struggles or an escape from so many demands so we can focus on ourselves and enjoy life. Remember, you deserve that time! You may visit the Virunga National Park with its natural scenery and beautify. It is just rewarding to see the Gorillas. Rwanda is one of the three places in the world where you can spot some of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. If you decide, you will get a professional guide for gorilla trek and your security perfectly assured. Rwanda and its lakes are very inviting! Rwandans are welcoming and will guide you on anything depending of your priorities. The willingness of Rwandans to assist the stranger is known around the globe; it is not something new. You may even have the opportunity to stay with a host family and experience what is like to live in Rwanda.

Hotels are very clean and welcoming. The hotel rooms are not different from what you see in Europe, United States and Canada. In addition, they offer very tasty and organic food prepared with full attention and modern culinary methods for their customers. Coffee and Tea, the top best in the world are offered in those hotels and restaurants. Maybe you will try for the first time food such as “brochettes, Isombe, roasted/grilled bananas and potatoes just unique for Rwanda. If you decide to visit Nyungwe Park, you will be fascinated by it numerous wildlife and diverse landscape.

The weather is rewarding as it allows visitors not to wear sweaters, to relax and enjoy their vacation. There is no snow, no very hot temperatures. It is just moderate and comfortable for visitors to maximize their wishes on their trip without interruption by weather. Rwanda with its thousand hills is gifted with moderate weather not found elsewhere else; the green color on the mountains, scenery, and gardens in the City of Kigali makes the country so unique to visit.

Global Survivors for Peace call people around the world to visit Rwanda and see with their own eyes how the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi happened and how many mass graves and memorial sites are in Rwanda. What led Rwanda to genocide was a long and carefully planned process. Our wish and prayer is that it should not happen anywhere else on our planet. We all now know it could have been prevented but the silence of global leaders and our friends allowed it to dramatically destroy Rwanda and take so many innocent lives. It is only when you see and measure the impact of such horror that you decide to take action and to not choose to be a bystander.

One the other hand, Rwanda has transformed in a way we would never imagine.  Witnessing how the country was destroyed and again to see it resuscitate tells the world it is a gift from God. Come and see the miracle that turned chaos into a beautiful and prosperous country. Come and realize how each and everyone have a lot to do during his time on this earth.

Global Survivors for Peace organizes tours in Rwanda where its citizens have the opportunity to learn from Rwanda’s past and present; but also predict its future. A volunteer will travel with groups or individuals who choose Rwanda as their vacation destinations or people who are committed to peace building and learning from the pass to build a strong society for the generations to come. Always remember – what we do today impacts the lives of our children tomorrow.